CADILLAC — The favorite, Christian sacred song “Sweet Hour of Prayer” describes the experience of the Cadillac edition of the worldwide Seventh-Day Adventist Church’s “Ten Days of Prayer” held from Jan. 5 to 15.

These sessions, scheduled to last only thirty minutes, organically grew to seventy-five minutes to the delight of participants. The group that met mostly by phone via Zoom video with twice-weekly in-person sessions grew from 11 people, topping out at nineteen.

Kam Ferguson led the devotional remotely from home over 20 miles away. Then Lanette and David Brandow joined by phone from their new home near Owasso, Michigan, which is even farther. Nothing impedes the committed; “Where there is a will, there is a way.”

Although this event is worldwide with suggested devotional readings, each congregation adapts it to their needs with local presenters. All but one night’s program was led by lay people.

