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(BPT) - Si la caída de la temperatura hace que su piel se sienta seca y desagradable al instante, usted no está solo. Entre el aire helado del exterior y el caliente del interior, los meses de invierno están repletos de estresores de la piel que pueden llevarlo por una montaña rusa de resequ…

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(BPT) - In a world where toy trends seem to change faster than a child can unwrap a gift, parents, guardians and gift-givers are constantly on the lookout for the perfect present that will both excite and enrich a child’s life. According to Fidelity Investments’® 2023 Gifting Study, a surpri…

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(BPT) - Agriculture, particularly dairy, often gets blamed for its greenhouse gas emissions. Across nearly all agricultural commodities, bolstered by more than $3 billion in USDA climate-smart funding, there is increasing momentum to reduce agricultural emissions and sequester more carbon in…

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(BPT) - Chances are you know a caregiver. It could be the teacher at your child's school, balancing classroom duties and caring for an aging parent after the bell rings. Maybe it's your coworker who also takes care of a chronically ill spouse at home. Or your friend who makes time to catch u…