With the election coming Nov. seven, I believe it’s time for a change in our City Council. Tara Horton is a great candidate to fill the seat on the council.

Instead of a follow the leader candidate like Mr. Engles, who talks about transparency, but was par of the scheme to give the city manager a raise with also a new car and a credit card that was unlimited with an evaluation that was mediocre at best. Tara Horton is a good listener who is willing to work together, but also be a good leader who will put her feet firmly on the ground and her hands in the mud to make Cadillac a better place, a transparent and honest council.

Cadillac voters, I urge you to please vote for an honest and transparent candidate who will work for the whole city and be a great council member for our city. Vote for a change and elect Tara Horton to the council, we deserve it.

Ritche M. Harris


