God’s 6th Commandment: Thou shalt not kill

States are starting to vote on legislation to legalize abortion and too many people in this day and age think it is OK to terminate a pregnancy from conception to birth for any reason.

The Commandment does not state it is OK to terminate an unborn child’s life anytime in the pregnancy, or give permissible exceptions.

Women today say they have a right to determine what happens to their body. Yes and no

Yes — When it comes to their body’s general heath and well-being.

No — I believe when pregnant, it is no longer just her body. At the moment of conception, it s hers, the fathers, and God’s child that is growing inside her. If unwanted, at least carry the child of God to full term, giving the blessing of the child to someone else.

In my view; a woman who has an abortion or any who assist in the abortion; an individual who fortes for; or political party that supports the legalization of abortion, is making a great error in judgment. One day, everyone will stand before God and receive His judgment for killing or supporting the killing of His children.

On Judgment Day, will God have you stand to His right (sheep) and have eternal life with Him; or to His left (goats) and be punished for eternity?

You are either with God or against God, there is no middle ground. I prey that you are with God.

Remember: We all sin in thought, word, or deed and come short of the glory of God, but if we are sorry for our sins, and ask God for forgiveness, God will forgive us.

Garry D. Marcum


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