It’s time to stop giving the church a pass on their hatred of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people. Conservative Christians assert that God created all people, and that God has a plan for everyone. Yet, they maintain that LGBTQ people are wrong, confused, and living a life of sin. This is twisted logic; why would God create people that God sees as evil, wrong, and sinful?

These beliefs would be of minor consequence if this hatred were just carried in their hearts. However, their crusade to weaken and eliminate legal protections, and to cast LGBTQ people as filthy outsiders is intolerable. It’s not OK to let a church spread hatred and work for the oppression of any group of people.

Focus on the Family, a national organization dedicated to promoting Christianity, states on its website that they are dedicated to defending the inherent honor, dignity, value, and equality of the two sexes as created by God. They go on to state that in recent years, a revisionist transgender theology has been put forth that violates God’s clearly articulated and intentional design for the two sexes.

If this God is so powerful, why are people so easily duped into straying from God’s plans. Why does this all-powerful God allow these people to run around destroying our pure and righteous civilization? Why doesn’t God just zap them with a bolt of lightning or drop a grand piano on them?

In closing, I’d like to state that if a church tells you that God wants you to hate someone or a group of people, it’s time to dump that church.

Dave L. Maynard


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